Sunday, April 19, 2009

Easter Part Deux

Caption from Ed: "Move over, Dad, and let me drive home."
Hanging out with "Gramps."

Fortunately the weather cooperated today and we were able to celebrate a belated Easter in the Springs with our entire Colorado family. Upon arriving Blanden found more Easter goodies, including being surprised with his very own high chair for use at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Other highlights for Blanden included devouring salmon (this was the first time he tried it), peas (Grandpa's favorite vegetable), and strawberries (a favorite) for Grandma's delicious Sunday dinner and getting to practice driving Uncle Nick's new car. (All the boys were outside playing when that happened, while the ladies were chit-chatting inside the house. :) )

1 comment:

marilyn said...

Blanden, looks like fun! Good Morning "grandson", I hope that you are having "a good sleepie", while I am just up and about, getting ready to catch my Denver! Over the weekend, Papa and I were just talking about how when you come to visit in July, you will be able to play with some of U. Andrew's toys, in fact yesterday, we had brunch with him, and A. Jill too, anyway we teased Andrew, about did we have to get him to sign a "release" so you could play with his "driver", looks like you'll enjoy it, since you were already practicing on Uncle Nicks car.
Nice to have some of your own special "equipment" at your other grandparents house, when your here we are going to use mom's highchair, and you can bet we will get a picture of you sitting in it! Wonder who will be smiling the most, probably not your mom, but us, thinking how wonderful you are and remember your mom as a little one. Well I'd better get going, I have a plane to catch! See you soon!
Love, Grammy