Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Eventful Week

Grammy is back! She arrived Monday afternoon and we have simply been too busy and having a wonderful time to post. Grammy and Blanden have been spending all day together while Mommy works (for which she is very grateful because she happens to be swamped this week), playing and taking walks to the park and going on little adventures together. Then Mommy, Daddy, and Grammy have been enjoying delicious, leisurely meals after Blanden goes to bed (which we almost never do these days -- our meals are often rushed or else quick bowls of cereal or pasta because we're too tired to make anything else) with Grammy here to help prepare them...and load and empty the dishwasher...and, hey, how did that load of laundry get done and put away? (Thank you, Grammy!)
But here are a few recent photos -- not great ones, but at least a few photos. More to come. As well as a little list of some of the other highlights in Blanden's week:
1.) Last Sunday Blanden made the switch to his "big boy" car seat. He only weighs 20 pounds (his infant seat goes up to 30), but he is 30 inches long, the maximum! He seems to like it -- he enjoys being able to see a little bit out the windows and particularly enjoys not being folded in half in order to get inside of it. Picture to come.
2.) Because he is no longer carried in and out of the car in his infant seat, he now rides in the cart on trips to the grocery store. Again, he seems to enjoy the different perspective his new vantage point affords.

3.) He wore his future Manito-wish camper T-shirt for the first time this week! When it arrived in the mail after he was born it looked enormous, but I suddenly realized he better start wearing it or it is going to look like a muscle shirt soon.
4.) And on Monday morning Blanden woke up with his first tiny tooth poking through at last! And fortunately it didn't even seem to be bothering him that much. Picture to come of that as well (when we can capture it).

Grammy and Blanden reading their books.

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