Friday, April 24, 2009

A Few More Milestones

I can't believe I forgot to include a couple additional important milestones in my latest post.

1.) First word! For the past couple weeks, Blanden has been saying "Dad" and "Da-Da" regularly, both to Ed and to me when I ask him where Dad is. He has always carried on quite the extensive, humorous conversations with Ed, and I think "Dad/Da-Da" is officially his first word -- sometimes even what sounds like "Hi, Dad" ;) -- as well as an occasional "Dog," said looking directly at Belle or Ella.

2.) Learning to crawl! About a month ago, Blanden progressed from rolling to his destination to army crawling. Lately he is often getting up on his hands and knees, just about ready to take off. And this week he has learned how to reposition himself to going back to sitting from being on his tummy.
This afternoon I am taking a break from work and we are heading to Proto's (for gourmet pizza) for lunch and perhaps a little bit of shopping...

Showing off his new big boy car seat.

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