Thursday, April 16, 2009

For Grammy

After our earlier posting, Grammy reminded me that the blog is not nearly as exciting without a photo. So here you are. Sorry about that, Grammy!

1 comment:

marilyn said...

Woops, Blanden, I think Grammy was a bit naughty today, I didn't want your mom to feel she had to add a picture to today's blog, but I am SURE glad that she did! I recognize some of your toys in this picture, but that puzzle looks new, do you think we can practice putting it together next week, only 4 more nights go sleep before I come. (The counting down by nights to sleep used to work with your momma and Uncle Andrew when they were excited for fun things to happen, I certainly put my trips to see your family is the "Special Fun" category.) I've started packing, and can hardly wait!
Love, Grammy