Monday, May 4, 2009

Eleven Months Old

Today was a big day: Blanden's eleven-month birthday!
Also today Blanden learned how to stand up in his crib. In fact, he did it twice! Mostly, I think, because he was frustrated I had left him there for a bit to take a quick shower and he was trying to find a way out...
Other recent developmental highlights include emphatically shaking his head no when he doesn't want any more food. (And sometimes he does it while smiling just because it's so much fun to do.) And he has learned to clap, at all sorts of things, including when he is apparently happy that Mommy and Daddy give each other a quick kiss. :)
Today was also the last day of class for music school. Naturally, the class celebrated with a party -- and Popsicles! (A first for Blanden.)

Posing for a quick photo before class.

Receiving his graduation certificate and a few little gifts from his teachers.

Opening his gifts. (A Sesame Street language-development book as well as a little toy and tube of sunscreen for the summer.)

Blanden and Gavin enjoying Popsicles for a special treat!

But actually, Blanden thinks the tube of sunscreen is more fun than the Popsicle. Gavin is not convinced.
The whole class (including his first teacher's newborn who came to meet everyone) -- the "structured" chaos that is Music for Baby and Me. The last class photo, taken more than six months ago on Halloween when all the little ones were dressed up, was much easier to capture as none of them were mobile yet. Now they are all crawling and/or walking --and ready to move up to Musical Discoveries, the toddler class, next year.

1 comment:

marilyn said...


Yesterday certainly was a big, busy day for you! I had a feeling that it wouldn't be long before mom and dad would find you standing in your crib, and low and behold you did it! Good for you! Another big milestone in your life (the first time you we found your Mom standing up in her crib, I remember she was wearing yellow jammies, I have a picture of that somewhere, that makes me think, when you are a litle older, and come to Michigan to visit, we can look at pictures of mom as a little one.)

Plus it was your "graduation" from music class, what do you think? Want to sign up for lessons in the fall? Talk it over with the folks, and see what they think. If PaPa had been at class, he would have done his best to convience you that a popcycle bets sunscreen hands down, but please get used to using sunscreen. Wish someone could talk PaPa into using it too.

Not to mention it was your 11 month birthday! Talk about a busy day, plus I heard that your had a good weekend too.

Be sure to stay in touch,
Love you sweetheart,