Wednesday, May 27, 2009

New Train Table!

Yesterday Blanden was very lucky to receive a train table, courtesy of some friends of Uncle Jim and Aunt Nancy's who were happy to give it away. This will provide hours more of standing and cruising fun for Blanden.

Today we've been practicing learning how to roll his Thomas the Tank Engine trains across the surface, which is fun. But equally enjoyable (okay, perhaps more enjoyable, at this point in Blanden's development) is banging them on the surface, along with puzzle pieces and, of course, his music sticks. (Do you recognize a theme?)

1 comment:

marilyn said...

Oh Blanden, be sure and give mom an extra kiss tonight, because, she took the time to post two different sets of pictures on your blog...and is Grammy every happy every single time she does that! And, it's a good thing that PaPa and I coming for your birthday, so we can take some pictures of you, that we can get printed, otherwise, I'd be after your mom to post these and the ones of you playing with your piano on Kodak Easy Share.

Isn't banging stuff around, just the best fun? I see your have your Thomas the Tank Engine pieces out to play with, when you come to visit us, Uncle Andrew says you can play with is brio train, in fact, just between us, I wouldn't be surprised, if he doesn't show you how they work, and play with you.

And now that you can pull yourself up, and are larning to cruise, walking is the next skill you'll soon master.

See you on your other blog from today....
