Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Playing the Piano

Now that Blanden knows how to pull himself up to standing, it's one of his favorite things to do.

Another favorite thing to do is to play his piano, especially while holding his music sticks in one hand while playing some tunes with the other. (And sometimes he likes to bang his music sticks on the piano for an added, interesting sound.) Blanden is also working on his hand-eye coordination and balancing skills by learning how to bend down and pick something up that he dropped while still remaining upright.

1 comment:

marilyn said...

Yup, as promised, its Grammy again!

I do notice that in both of today's pictures, your music sticks are helping you make your own special rhythem sounds...

And, now with your piano, and the train table, you really have the opportunity to practice your 'crusing', won't be long, and you'll be walking all by yourself!
Your parents do a good job of discribing your new "talents", but nothing beats seeing you in person. Do you know that PaPa can really play the piano, I mean really play, perhaps with that big smile of yours, you can get him to play for you. (Although he is really good at that, he will only give private recitals for extra special people, and I have a feeling you will be one of those folks.)

This year has certainly flown bye, again and again, I am glad that I was able to make so many trips to your house, so we could play and start to really get acquainted, and that you have a blog.

Did you go with Mom to Golden today? Other than crusing along in your new deluxe car seat, how did that go.

As the saying goes only 5 more times to go to sleep at night, and we'll be there.
