Saturday, May 23, 2009

Swim Lessons

Blanden greatly enjoys the water. He loves to play and splash around, and he's already beginning to kick his feet. Sadly next Saturday is the last lesson for this round. We have some other fun things on the plate for upcoming weekends (and he will have at least a few other opportunities to go swimming this summer) so we will be taking a break before signing up for another session, but we will definitely go back.

Reading in his crib before we are ready to head out (and modeling his Adidas warm ups that he wears to the pool each weekend).
First lesson with Dad -- what fun!

Learning to float -- assisted, of course.

Coming up from underwater!

Surfing with Dad. Wow, Mommy doesn't let me do this!


tara_iott said...

Love the warm-up suit! He looks like a real swimmer.

marilyn said...


Bet you and the "parents" where thinking, where the heck is that Grammy, because I didn't write you right away, like I try to! But, I do have a good excuse, I was in Traverse City, with my pup, Phoenix for a few days. We have a little vacation get away there, that if all goes well, you are going to see this summer. Just about every summer since your momma was born, we spent some time 'Up North", I hear she is very interested sharing some of her memories and good times with you. We are planning on taking you to the "biggest" sand pile you are very going to see, a little train ride, to the beach, and I've even located the little guy swing sets, it should be lots of fun.

What a good job it looks like you are doing with your swim lessons, you can show us your "stuff" when you come to our house in July. I bet it was fun to have a lesson with dad, cause, we know that, well moms and dads just do things differently.

I can't chat as long as sometimes, since I need to take Phoenix for a hair cut, all of a sudden he has gone from looking cute and fuzzie, to scraggly!

Love and see you soon,