Sunday, June 28, 2009

Back to the Zoo

Late yesterday afternoon, we decided to take a quick trip back to the zoo. It was hot, the zoo wasn't crowded, and all the animals were lazing about. We are excited to have a membership so that we can visit anytime.
We saw some animals we didn't quite make it to on Blanden's birthday, including polar bears, a mountain lion, seals, birds, a rhinoceros, a hippo, and a pack of African wild dogs. And we were sure to see some favorites, including the elephants and especially the family of giraffes (with adolescents and babies), which makes Blanden smile.
Blanden loved riding in the wagon, and he didn't even try to stand up in it or try to climb out of it (too much!).
Also, as you can see, he is learning to wear his Rockies baseball hat facing forward. (After all, shielding his little face from the sun is the whole point!)

And just yesterday he learned how to hold his own cup. We're not sure he was actually that thirsty, but he drank a lot of water once he realized he could hold the cup on his own. :)

So close to the polar bears! The Denver Zoo is really neat in that most of the animals aren't in cages. There is just a trench -- and electric fences -- between the animals and you, so you can get a great view!

1 comment:

marilyn said...

Now that is a wagon! And, Blanden, you look like you were very happy to be back at zoo, and now you are holding your own cup too! Seems like very time we get new pictures of you, or get an update from your momma and Dad, you are learning and doing something new! Do you think Gammy and PaPa will even recognize you when you and Momma get to Michigan in a few weeks?

PaPa has been talking about cleaning up your Momma and Uncle A wagon ever since you were born, guess now he'd better get to it!

What adventure did you go on today? Or was today a "duff" day?

This grammy reads a number of books, but nothing makes me smile or enjoy reading as hearing about your adventures.
