Tuesday, June 2, 2009

First Cookie

Yesterday Grammy and Papa arrived for a 10-day stay, full of many fun things to come, including Blanden's much-anticipated First Birthday celebration! To kick off the week, they came bearing a little gift for Blanden: homemade sugar cookies shaped like little (or, rather, big!) baby feet. Papa has been anxiously awaiting this moment (the moment when Blanden can try sweets) for a whole year!

The result: Blanden is unsure but intrigued. He wasn't quite sure what to do with the whole cookie so he thought it might be a good idea to toss it over the side to share with Ella. (After all, she always knows what to do with the food he gives her!) But we caught the cookie at the last minute, broke it into little, more manageable pieces for Blanden, and he ate a few bites. If he's anything like his mom (for whom cookies are her most favorite treat), he will be devouring them in no time at all...Or, he could end up like his dad, who isn't all that into sweets. The verdict is still out.

1 comment:

marilyn said...

Blanden, tell you what, if you decide that cookies turn out to be your favorite treat, as they are mom's, I promise you that when ever you and I have the chance to be together, there will be cookies! And as you get older you can help pick out what kind you want, and then start helping to make them, that will be great fun! Today is the day before you First Birthday, wow! A year old already! There are lots of fun things planned for you. Today, mom and I are going to make your cake, the recipe is from your Great Grandma Beach, we are tweeking the flavor of the filling to one that we think you'll really like. And dad is making you home made ice cream, guess I've given away enough of your special plans, but we think you are going to be happy!
