Wednesday, June 3, 2009

First Haircut

This week is full of milestones for Blanden. On today's agenda: his first haircut, given by the family stylist at the studio just down the street, and just on time for his first birthday. The stylist moved quickly, and Blanden held still. He did a great job!

On another note: This morning Blanden had the procedure to open his tear duct, and he was a superstar throughout. He wasn't away from us and under anesthesia for more than 15 minutes before he was back in our arms again. He was a little tired this morning, but otherwise has been a go-getter the rest of the day...
On the eve of Blanden's first birthday, I am thinking back to this time one year ago right now, when Ed and I were anxiously awaiting the moment when we could finally hold our much-anticipated son in our arms and meet him in person. Just 2 hours and 20 minutes to go. Happy-Almost-First-Birthday, my dear, sweet little boy. I absolutely couldn't wait to meet you, and now I absolutely can't believe that there was ever a time in my life when I didn't yet know you.

1 comment:

marilyn said...


Happy, happy birthday!

Today marks many mile stones for you, mom and dad, I'd say all three of you are doing just great.

Right now, PaPa has you on and adventure he has talked about doing ever since you were born, the two of you just walked to 7-11 to get his daily paper, and you went in your jammies! I don't think that this year he will be getting you a donut, because he thought that we didn't realize that he wasn't just getting the morning paper, but it won't be long before I can picture the two of you sitting on the curb, eatting your sweets before you come home, after all PaPa likes to think that he is tricking all of us!
