Thursday, July 23, 2009

Camping in Traverse City

We got a late start yesterday. While we finished packing, Blanden went down for his regular morning nap at 9:30, which is usually a quick one -- and woke up three hours later! Then after we left, we pulled over for what we thought would be a quick stop for sandwiches for lunch, saw a nice Italian restaurant nearby, and stopped there instead! So we slowly headed north, finally arriving around 8:30 p.m. And today we're just been "bumming around" -- walking the park, playing with Blanden, doing a little shopping, eating out, etc. It's good to be here!
Enjoying a delicious and relaxing Italian lunch to break up the drive.
Riding in the car on the way (the car is packed!).

Culver's for dinner -- Blanden's first official children's meal (grilled cheese, applesauce, and milk).
We've arrived!

Taking a quick walk in the park to enjoy some fresh air while Grammy and Papa pack a whole lot of stuff into our tiny living space.

Walking and shopping in Sutton's Bay.

Lounging at the campground (and sporting his new "Lil' Spartan in Training Gear" from Grammy...But, as Grammy says, she waited until Blanden had Mizzou gear too, to be fair!)

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