Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Field Trip Tuesday

Again I had to work, so Blanden got to spend another glorious day with his grandparents. This time they took a field trip to Calder's Dairy, just a little ways down the street, where Blanden got to pet lambs, cows, and goats, and possibly a donkey (judging by some of the photos). He loved it! He spent a long time visiting the residents of the farm. According to Grammy and Papa, he was laughing away and having a blast -- until they would finally wheel the wagon away from one animal to move on to visit the next and then he began to cry, he loved them all so much!

Tuckered out afterward, Blanden spent a good part of the afternoon napping, and then went for a swim with our neighbors and good family friends. I headed out for an evening with girlfriends, while Uncle Andrew and Aunt Jill came back over for a visit, along with Aunt Jill's mom and grandma. Blanden is quite the celebrity around here.
Now I, too, am officially on vacation, and we are heading up to Traverse City tomorrow!

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