Saturday, July 18, 2009


These are especially for you, Daddy. We're having a great time, but we miss you!
Arriving in Detroit. Once again, Blanden was a superstar traveler. When we stood up to deplane, several people around us were surprised to see a baby as he was so quiet! He enjoyed looking out the window, we read stories, he napped, we shared a picnic lunch, and just enjoyed the adventure.

Arriving at Grammy and Papa's and heading straight outside to enjoy the beautiful day -- and enormous backyard. So much room to crawl around and "walk" in! Ah, beautiful, green, and spacious Michigan...

There's Papa feeding Blanden a bite of his favorite donut already...

And here is Blanden enjoying healthier fare from Grammy too. :) (Uncle Andrew and Aunt Jill quickly arrived on the scene. Blanden is pretty excited to have five playmates all eager to watch his every move and join in the fun!)

Mealtime in Mommy and Uncle Andrew's old high chair.

Venturing into the pool with Papa on Friday morning.

Friday afternoon, Blanden and I headed to Royal Oak to visit some very good friends and their six-month-old baby (though I forgot to take any photos!). (Blanden was keen on the new territory and new toys, but not so keen on Mommy holding another little one for too long.)


Saturday afternoon, two more of Mommy's dearest friends came to visit (I just realized we have been friends now for almost 20 years, wow!), one with her 14-week-old baby...

Super sweet Sophia.

Stories at bedtime with Papa.

Tomorrow, we're off to the Toledo Zoo!

1 comment:

G. Edward said...

I miss my family. No, really, really miss my family! I spent the day taking care of domestic affairs. Cleaning, washing, fixing, etc., but I do so miss coming home and awaiting a welcoming kiss from my beautiful wife, as she so carefully passes our handsome son to me.'s tough. I have become acutely aware how un-tough I've become. Call me often!