Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Toledo Zoo

Blanden and I had a great day at the zoo with Grammy, Aunt Jill, and Uncle Andrew. The highlights were the monkeys, especially a tiny and silly six-month-old baby.
Loading up Mommy and Uncle Andrew's old wagon (which is in great shape for being 30+ years old!)
Arriving at the Toledo Zoo.

Watching the sea lions with Uncle Andrew.

Petting the goats in the children's exhibit...


Wading in the stream in the children's exhibit.

Picnic lunch at the zoo. (Uncle Andrew and Aunt Jill were amazed at how interactive and entertaining picnicking with a toddler can be!)

Getting tired toward the end, holding Mommy's hand.

Grammy and Papa have pictures of Mommy and Uncle Andrew as little ones sitting on this exact same elephant statue. :)

Playtime in the backyard when we got home.

Playing with Aunt Jill after dinner.

Hmm, Grammy and Papa are filling me up with so much delicious food, I wonder what else I can find in here...
And I wonder what adventures tomorrow will bring...

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