Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day 2 with Grammy and Papa

Morning playtime, snuggling in bed after waking up.

Blanden likes to play with Grammy's assorted lotions and potions bottles, stacking them up and sorting them out.

Heading out on Saturday's adventure: the Cherry Creek Farmer's Market.

Another picnic outside. (Notice all of the pastries lined up at the stand Papa just happened to pause in front of. Thank goodness for Grammy, who tries to counterbalance Papa's spoonfuls of sugar to Blanden with healthier fare.)

Playtime in his crib. (I think Blanden looks like he's waving in this photo, saying, "Hi, Mom and Dad! I'm having a great time!") Later that evening, they went out for Greek for dinner, which Blanden really likes. And that night he dsicovered a new favorite: Papa's lamb kabobs and filling in the grape leaves (minus the grape leaves themselves). Yum!

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