Monday, November 30, 2009

Day with Grammy and Papa

Each evening when Daddy comes home from work we fill him in on our day, so here we are doing the same thing for him through the blog...First, breakfast with Papa before Mommy got up...

Fiber One. Mmm. Once Blanden saw Papa pour himself a bowl, he refused to eat anything else but what Papa was having. I guess it's better than a donut.

This afternoon Blanden ran lots of errands with Grammy and Papa around town, and he came home with flowers for Mommy. Even though the flowers were just about as long as he is, he managed to carry them to me. I wish we'd have gotten a picture of that!

Just enjoying a bit of playtime together with his best friends.

Uncle Andrew is out of town for the workweek, but we were so happy that Aunt Jill could join us for dinner again: Greek salad tonight.
Although I carefully sorted all the parts that Blanden likes into individual bowls: tomatoes and cucumbers in one, chicken and pita bread in another, hard-boiled egg in the third...

He was quite successful at quickly making a very tossed salad of his own!
For dessert: some M&Ms that Papa has strategically left at Blanden's height. (And now Blanden is undressed because he was such a mess after the tossed-salad episode, it was the easiest -- and really, the only -- way to clean him up!)
This evening, we found him sitting alone in the living room. Blanden has just recently learned to climb on and off of the furniture -- no reason to discourage but neither to encourage him to do it before -- so this is a new source of entertainment. :)
And at this moment, Grammy and Papa are giving Blanden his bath and putting him to bed. Papa in particular is honing his skills in preparation for tomorrow night: Papa and Blanden will be home alone!

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