Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Girls Night Out, Boys Night In

Blanden had a good day: a trip to the playground, raking leaves in the backyard, and a special night in with Papa. But first: breakfast.

It looks like Blanden helped himself to a smorgasbord today -- though I'm not 100% sure, as I wasn't up yet.

But he does like to help clean up. (And he likes to wear his baseball cap sometimes around the house. It's the only hat of any kind that he likes. A boy's gotta do what a boy's gotta do.)

Next up: a walk with Grammy and her pup, Phoenix, and a stop off at the playground.

Grammy says Blanden was particularly fascinated by his shadow.

That's my cutie!

Then this afternoon, Blanden "helped" Papa rake up the leaves in the backyard.

He had a blast playing in the piles...

Blanden has gotten to be such a big little guy (if that makes sense), but he looks so tiny to me all bundled up and playing in Grammy and Papa's big backyard.

Tonight, Grammy and I went out for dinner and to see The Blind Side with Aunt Jill and her mom. (A great ladies night out!) Thus, Papa and Blanden enjoyed a very special evening alone together. Unlike boys club with Daddy, Papa did spill the beans -- or at least some of them. I'm told they had a very good dinner together, spent lots of time playing downstairs (throwing Phoenix's balls and riding Uncle Andrew's old miniature John Deere tractor), read lots of books, Blanden loved bath time, and then it was at last time for bed, just before Mommy and Grammy got home. I'd say the evening was a success!

Personally, the movie made me want to come home and give my little guy (and my big guy, too, in Denver) a big hug -- but of course I didn't dare wake him up for that. Blanden will get some snuggles in the morning for sure.

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