Sunday, November 15, 2009

Less than Champagne Powder

We woke up to another snowfall today -- but just seven inches this time. As Ed says, Colorado is noted for it's "Champagne Powder" (i.e., light and flaky snow with low moisture content). But the latest snowfall in Denver didn't drop the good stuff. The snow today is highly compactable and wet. Great for snowball fights, not so great for skiing.
Blanden, however, is a bit too young for either. And perhaps a bit too young to appreciate a good snow day. Despite having a cold, we couldn't resist letting him try to play in the white stuff this time.
Needless to say, he was curious, but not thrilled. I think we spent far more time getting ready than we did playing outside. The whole ensemble worked great -- except for the mittens, which didn't work at all.

Still, he makes for a cute little bundle, all dressed up in his winter gear. I have a feeling Santa might be bringing a sled...

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