Thursday, November 19, 2009

Off We Go Again!

Tomorrow morning, Blanden and I head out on another adventure together: back to Michigan! We are packed and ready to go. The carry-on bag is loaded with board books and plane-appropriate snacks, and we are excited!

We will miss Daddy very much, but we look forward to him joining us next Tuesday.

Blanden got out his own camera when he saw me get mine. Since we'll be without our resident photographer for the first few days of the trip, Blanden and I have to brush up on our own skills. :)

P.S. Grammy and Papa: We won't be bringing this outfit with us, so I thought you'd like to see a photo. A note to all: Blanden has many adorable clothes, just about all of which came from both sets of grandparents, so it was hard to narrow them down to just nine to take with us, one for each day we are traveling! (Yes, I know we could do laundry, but that's beside the point.) ;)

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