Sunday, November 29, 2009

Toeldo Zoo Lights

Daddy uploaded a few more holiday photos for us from home, so I am just adding the text. Friday afternoon, we visited Aunt Jill's family farm. Her parents raise deer, and Blanden got to pet and feed them. Definitely a highlight! Here he is with Dennis, Aunt Jill's dad.
Helping to collect the eggs.

Seeing the lights at Toledo Zoo.

In all these years, none of us have gone to this zoo to see the holiday lights before.

They were beautiful!

Riding the carousel with Uncle Andrew. Blanden was so bundled up, he couldn't move much, even to help hold himself on.

Afterward, we had a late dinner at a lovely Italian restaurant together with Aunt Jill's parents and grandma. A wonderful last official night of the holiday!

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