Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Lunch Out

Here we are again, recapping our day. Blanden is having a very good time with Grammy and Papa, but I know he misses Ed very much too. When we came home from an errand tonight, he walked down the hall toward the bedrooms, calling, "Dad?..." So we made sure to call Daddy tonight in that window of time between when Dad is out of work and before Blanden goes to bed. He had big smiles when he heard Ed's voice on the phone. :-)
Morning playtime.

Oops -- it looks like Blanden finally got into Phoenix's water bowl!

At home, we can't leave Belle and Ella's dish on the floor all day, the temptation is simply too great (and the dish is huge! Blanden could almost sit inside of it.). He's been so good about leaving Phoenix's bowl alone, but it looks curiosity finally got the best of him.

Today Blanden went out to lunch at the Monroe Street Grill with Grammy, Papa, and Aunt Jill. I'm told he was on his best behavior and ate a little of his own grilled cheese sandwhich, but especially enjoyed sampling everyone else's fare.

Playing on Mommy's bed this afternoon. (He needed help to climb this high.)

Reading two new Christmas books he and Grammy found while shopping at the mall this afternoon. We're hoping to familiarize Blanden with Santa a bit before attempting to visit him later this month.

Riding Uncle Andrew's old John Deere tractor in the basement. What fun!

Making a mess of his grandparents' CD collection. Ah, well. Papa says it's okay. He's retired now, so he can resort and realphabetize them next week.

And discovering ways to have fun with a new toy of sorts: paper and plastic cups. Blanden loves to sort and stack. That's all for today, Dad. Good night! We love and miss you!

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