Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!
Coming down on Christmas morning: It looks like Santa Claus definitely found the Wensuc family household!

The biggest hit of the day: a new personalized Blanden-size chair from Grammy and Papa! Blanden loves it! While Ed and I were fixing breakfast beverages, before we had even begun to open gifts, Blanden was cozied up and reading in his new chair. :-)

Stuffed stockings! Ed's and mine were made by my Auntie Carolyn -- I've had mine since I was a baby, and Auntie C made one for Ed to match. We love them!

Checking out a "doodler" to draw on from Santa Claus.

Baby-to-Be's first Christmas gifts: a teddy bear and matching quilt from Grammy and Papa.

A drum from Grammy and Papa! This is a hit (literally)!

Checking out his first set of Lego's: Duplo blocks from Santa Claus. Mostly he likes to dump them out of the box, but I'm sure he'll learn how to build cars and airplanes soon enough.

New beads from Grammy and Papa for Mommy's Pandora bracelet...

A baby carriage...

And a giraffe, of course. One bead each to perfectly represent my little ones.

Blanden trying out his first set of crayons and markers...

A gift from Grammy and Papa.

Each year Blanden gets a new ornament, a tradition my parents had with Andrew and me and one we'd like to keep with Blanden. (Many from my collection, including old preschool photos, ballet slippers from elementary school, and a disco ball from college, ;) are now hanging here at our house.) Naturally this year it made perfect sense to add a giraffe to the ensemble. Blanden loves to point him out on the tree! Stay tuned for more photos from our very merry Christmas day!

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