Friday, December 25, 2009

Then and Now

Blanden sporting his new embroidered giraffe shirt from Grandma on Christmas Day.
Hanging out with his new tall giraffe (and sitting on the old favorite).

And for fun: Christmas Day 2007, 17 weeks pregnant with Edward Blanden ...

And Christmas Day 2009, 17 weeks pregnant with ... ? Either Ellis Beach (Eli) or Madeleine Rozsa (Maddie). Hopefully Baby-to-Be will cooperate and we will find out on January 15!

But as Christmas Day comes to a close, there is one thing we would prefer not to repeat tonight. Two years ago we drove Ella to the emergency vet in the middle of a heavy snow storm when she got alcohol poisoning from accidentally eating too much uncooked bread dough, which she got into without our knowledge. Today both dogs snacked on some of our bison prime rib, which we gladly handed over. We figure that is a big cost savings over another trip to the hospital!

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