Sunday, December 6, 2009

Visiting Papa at Church

Today's adventure: visiting Papa at church and playing some instruments!

Blanden wasn't quite sure what to make of the organ at first -- after all, it's a LOT bigger and a LOT louder than his own miniature piano.

But Papa showed him the ropes and Blanden quickly got the hang of it.

But it turns out, the highlight was the drums! Blanden played these and the bongos, and kept wanting to go back to both.

Blanden played the bells too. We tried to pose for a quick photo in front of these, as they were donated to the church by Blanden's late Great-Grandma Beach.

And now we are signing off. We have a busy evening ahead of us with packing for the return trip to Denver and getting to bed early. The next time we post, we'll be back home -- with Dad! (And Belle and Ella too, of course.)

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