We are grateful for such a long, relaxing, and very pampered stay in Michigan, but it's just about time to head home. Blanden has been struggling with sleep the past few nights. I think the traveling is finally catching up with him, and I know he missed his dad very much. (I miss Ed, too!) We have one more day here, then we'll be up and at the airport super early on Monday -- as in at the airport for a 6:15 a.m. flight early, yikes! (I can't even think about what time it will be in Denver when we get up to go.) But, in any case, we are making the most of every moment. Today Grammy, Blanden, and I went out to lunch and did a little Christmas shopping (though we forgot to take a photo). Tonight Aunt Jill and Uncle Andrew came over for one last delicious family dinner.
Sporting two hats.
It's so much more fun to sit in the big chairs. (And, yes, that's a Yoplait yogurt he's eating. Blanden loves YoBaby yogurt, and while we usually try to encourage him to eat that instead, sometimes he finds the Yoplait hidden in the fridge and thinks it's a fun treat.)
Dancing in the kitchen with Grammy. We haven't listened to one of Blanden's music class CDs in a while and when we put it on tonight, his face lit up.
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