Saturday, March 6, 2010

Swim Lessons: Session Two

We made it to swim lessons today! Blanden still has a bad cough, but no fever, and his energy level has definitely improved. He was excited to go. And Dad was happy to capture a lot more photos. (He was so disappointed last week as he accidentally had his camera on the wrong setting and didn't realize it until the end.)

Here he is in his ensemble, ready to jump in. Note the new Crocs. (And, yes, we had the cutest kid there. ;) We're not too modest to admit it!)

The toys are big hit, of course -- even in the pool, he was pretending to "mix" (i.e., cook) up something yummy.

And checking out a boat.

Floating on his back is not his favorite, but his comfort level has improved a little bit since last year's attempt.
Splashing around (partly for fun, partly to stay warm!)

Ball was today's favorite word. It was hard to listen to the teacher with so many colorful balls floating around, just asking to be played with.

Practicing "reach-and-pull" (but really just going for the ball).

Getting ready to jump in...

Jumping in --

A highlight!
After all that, Blanden fell asleep almost as soon as he was buckled back into the car -- and slept for an hour! Considering we live about 15 minutes, tops, from the pool, that gave us ample time to run every errand we could think of, as we just couldn't bear to wake him up right away since he's been sick. And then he still slept another two hours this afternoon! Blanden is a great sleeper now at night, but long naps are still very unusual for him. I'd say today's outing was a success.

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