Saturday, May 1, 2010

Family Field Trip with Friends

Late this afternoon, we met our friends Erika and Nate and their son, Gavin, for a stroll around the zoo and then dinner afterward at a nearby restaurant. We met Gavin in Blanden's music class when both boys were just three months old (Gavin is three weeks younger than Blanden). It's been so much fun to see them develop into little boys, and I don't think they could have possibly had a better time together today (except perhaps if Blanden were more keen on sharing his wagon. Hmm, we'll have to work on that...and quickly!).

As always, the first stop: giraffes. Well, technically we pass by the lions and the zebras (also exciting!) before the giraffe house, but naturally these are the favorite.

A baby giraffe! Born on April 14 -- at 6 feet, 4 inches tall, 170 pounds, and after 15 months of gestation.

She's a cutie! Blanden likes babies of all different kinds -- we're practicing and becoming familiar with them. (Alhough if he had his pick, he might actually choose a giraffe for a younger brother instead.) ;)

Look at how tall they are together ...

But not quite as tall as this guy!

Of course, the boys were just as taken by the peacock, who put on quite a show, ...

and the geese (another baby!) wandering around the zoo as they were with the "wild" animals.

Checking out the camels. Blanden waved and said, "Hi," to many of the animals, while Gavin asked, "How are you?" :)
So much for bringing the wagon with us so the boys could ride in it. (And, in case you are wondering, yes, Blanden is wearing his snowboots again, at his insistance. ... But at least this time we convinced him to wear some clothes along with them.)

And the last stop: the carousel. What a wonderful day! Both boys hung in there and were very well behaved for dinner. And I have to say, it was best children's meal I've ever seen in a restaurant -- grilled cheese, corn on the cob, assorted fresh veggies, including edamame and cucumbers (which Blanden likes), with ranch dressing for dipping, and fresh berries. I should have taken a picture of that; it really was quite impressive. Today was the perfect mix of family fun and with a little bit of sophistication and adult conversation thrown into the mix. We all came home tired. :)

1 comment:

Leah said...

Wow, that is an impressive kids meal!!! Awesome!