Friday, May 7, 2010

Pre-Birthday Cupcakes -- And Other Updates

Blanden doesn't get many sweet treats. In preparation for his birthday, I am trying out a couple of new high-altitude cake recipes, thus Blanden got to have a cupcake today -- for breakfast, no less! I think he gave it a thumbs-up. (Although halfway through he actually put it down and ate his toast and banana too, then finished the cupcake at the end.)

In other news, Blanden is growing and learning new things by leaps and bounds every day. I thought I'd provide a more thorough update on what he's been up to lately.
New Words
Every day he is learning and repeating new words, and expressing words Ed and I didn't know he knew. Some of our recent favorites include Here go (for Here you go), Pleas, Thank you, More, One more, and All done (instead of just using the signs. When I get him up in the morning, He says, All done, Mommy -- as in all done sleeping). Belle and Ella, usually accompanied by Barking. Work and Money. Shoes, Boots, Ready, Baby, Uh oh, and Oh no. Apple (although he thinks any round fruit or veggie of similar red or green color is an apple, including a watermelon or onion), and he's making a good attempt at Avocado. Zoo is another favorite. Buckle-buck (for Buckle up). And this morning's new words: Cupcake and Frosting. And, of course, the best of all: B (meaning himself; as Blanden is a bit much to say just yet.)

Making Connections
Blanden's favorite color appears to be blue. He says the word and can recognize it on a lot of things. (Although he can also say Purple, Yellow, Red, and Green.) He is beginning to recognize the letter B -- he can often select it on the keyboard or find it in an alphabet in a book.

Music and Songs
Blanden loves and appreciates music, especially classical music. Often after school he likes to sit on the couch and quietly listen to music (a favorite activity of his dad's on a particularly stressful day), sometimes while reading books too. And he likes to dance and try to sing songs. For days he was tapping his knees while saying Happy, Happy, and then Ed and I realized he was singing If You're Happy and You Know It, which they sing at school.

Blanden is now down to his last two weeks of school before his summer vacation begins -- and of course it figures that he absolutely loves it. In January I felt guilty for having to put him in because it was so hard on him; now I feel guilty for taking him out because he's having so much fun. Each morning he willingly hands over his nook and giraffe to put in his cubby with his coat and runs over to join his friends for breakfast or to play.

At home, Blanden loves to play with his Duplo Lego blocks. (Mostly he likes to take apart whatever we make for him and then build his own tall tower.) And he loves running through the house while pushing his ride-on John Deere tractor and shouting Beep, Beep! This is Belle and Ella's cue to move out of the way ... They don't always make it. But Belle and Ella themselves are among his favorite toys. He adores them, and fortunately they adore him. He is very into his Clifford books lately. Unfortunately for Belle and Ella, it is much harder for Blanden to ride them than it is for Emily Elizabeth to ride Clifford. However, they are remarkably tolerant of his attempts at this and full-body hugs. On the playground at school, his favorite activity is the slide.

Asserting His Independence
Each morning Blanden now selects one of a choice of two shirts to wear that day (if I pull out just one he automatically shakes his head and says Uh uh, but he seems content to be able to choose between two), and he rarely accepts help going up or coming down the stairs (at least at home). Also, his snow boots are on his feet often when he heads to school. (When it hits 80 degrees, which will probably be soon, perhaps we'll encourage him to switch to his Crocs for the summer.)

A Sense of Order
Blanden very much likes things to be in their proper place. He likes putting lids back on and closing cupboards and doors. A neighbor across our alley stores their trash cans upside down; every morning without fail when we get in the car to leave Blanden says Uh oh and wants to turn them back over. This sense of order does work to our advantage -- should Ed or I accidentally leave the gate to the stairs open or the toilet lock undone, Blanden himself will close and lock them for us.

And, finally, Blanden's giraffe may be close to having a name other than Giraffe, by default. Recently Blanden has begun referring to Giraffe as Buddy. Ed realized that he often says, Do you want your buddy? Or, Where is your buddy? We'll see if it sticks.

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