Thursday, May 27, 2010

First Few Days of Summer...

As Blanden's first week of summer vacation winds down, I think it's safe to say that the fun is just gearing up. Grammy has been in charge of Blanden this week while Daddy and Mommy work, in various ways.

Blanden likes to sit on Grammy's bed and play with all sorts of things he can find to get into in her room...
Enjoying some pajama playtime in the morning...

It is such a treat that no one in the house has to jump out of bed, quickly get ready, and rush out the door each morning!

Yesterday one of Grammy and Blanden's adventures truly turned into an adventure -- not long after they left home on a walk they got stuck in a sudden hail and rainstorm! (Fortunately no thunder.)

They waited it out under an enormous tree at the park and blew bubbles until Mommy could get there to pick them up...

Then came home to play in the backyard, just in case the severe weather decided to whip itself up again.

The sandbox is definitely a hit.

It looks like Blanden and Grammy built a garage for Blanden's tractor. Blanden built his first fort out of these a few days ago, all by himself. It was the first time we had seen him do anything with them other than tear down the towers we built for him.
Hanging out with Dad -- always a blast. In between getting a lot of work done (around the house, the yard, running errands, and setting up and taking professional-quality photos of me in my last stages of pregnancy), Ed is enjoying every moment of so much precious time with Blanden.

While I work in the basement, I hear Blanden squeal with delight as they wrestle and chase each other around the house. Daddy wears Blanden out as much, if not more, than daycare does!

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