Thursday, May 27, 2010

Ready and Waiting for Baby Ellis...

We are ready and waiting (patiently) for Baby Ellis. Naturally, he has his own brand-new coming-home-from-the-hospital outfit -- along with nine coordinating pieces! What can I say? Gymboree was having a sale back in January when we first found out the sex and Mommy, Grammy, and Aunt Jill couldn't resist buying the whole ensemble! But that's it, though, for new clothes for now -- as evidenced by all of this, thanks to big brother Blanden. And this is just for the first six months!

But Ellis doesn't have to share everything with his big brother. He has his own new initial wall letters, in green and brown...

Which coordinate with Blanden's, in blue and brown.

His own new homemade diaper bag (which is packed and ready to go to the hospital)...

And matching quilt...and matching crib skirt...and matching curtains. They're not hanging up yet, though (nor are the wall letters), as we're not quite sure how or when Ellis will officially move into Blanden's room, but at some point we'll figure out how to best blend their decor.

Ellis's new jungle-themed bassinet, which barely and perfectly fits on my side of the bed. (We are really hoping Ellis like this.)

And a plush swing. Of all the baby gear we already owned, we didn't have anything like this. Thank you to little Sabine for loaning us her favorite snuggle spot as a newborn. (Blanden likes to practice putting his "baby" in the swing and bassinet.)

As of today, I am 39 weeks and 2 days pregnant. At our prenatal appointment this morning, our doctor did an ultrasound and everything looks great -- the baby is moving a lot and the fluids are fine. This is a relief as I was induced on Blanden's due date because the fluids were low. So because everything looks healthy right now, our next appointment is not until Friday, June 4 -- Blanden's birthday and 3 days after the official due date. If I am still pregnant at that point, the doctor will likely schedule an induction. If things begin happening in the meantime, we will definitely let you know!


tara_iott said...

I hope for your sake that Ellis does love his bassinet - it does make things easier or less worrisome!

Cat said...

Sabine says you are more than welcome for the swing--it was her absolute favorite spot for the first three months or so. Hope it gets lots of love in the next couple of months! (Even if it's just Bladen's doll!)