Saturday, May 8, 2010

Garden Helper

This afternoon we went to our local gardening store, came home with just a few plants, and planted our little garden. With Eli on the way, we're keeping it especially simple this year: just tomatoes (Yellow Brandywine, Yellow Pear, Cherry Red, Super Sioux, and Roma) and basil (Italian and Sweet), as those are our favorites, and we think Blanden will have fun picking (and eating!) the tomatoes off the vines later this summer. He wasn't as into digging and planting the garden as we thought, but he was more than happy to help water it and the patches on the grass we are regrowing. (And of course he wanted to do it all by himself.)

He also enjoyed his sandbox for the first time this season. It was cool today, so he was bundled up. Needless to say, all of his clothing except for his undershirt came off the moment we got into the house and went straight into the washing machine -- along with what seemed like one-third of the sand from his box.

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