Sunday, May 23, 2010

A "Happy Happy" Birthday Celebration!

Today we celebrated Blanden's second birthday! He felt like a little prince to have Grammy and his entire Wensuc family (Grandma and Grandpa, Uncle Nick, Aunt Nancy and Uncle Jim, and cousins Jeremy and Gretchen) join him for the whole day!

It began with a bouquet of balloons...

And then a trip to the zoo, naturally -- but this was a first whole-family trip to the zoo. What fun!

A picnic lunch...

A carousel ride, with Jeremy and Gretchen each on one side and Grammy and Aunt Nancy behind...

Then back home to light two candles...

And sing "Happy Birthday"...

And taste Dad's homemade Tahitian vanilla bean ice cream...

And Mom's homemade fudge cake safari-themed cupcakes... (He tried the white cake version later on.)

And open gifts... (This year, he definitely got the hang of it!)

And play and relax with the family. As Blanden said numerous times throughout the day, today was a "happy happy" day. He knew this was a very special occasion. Thank you to everyone for making it happen (and for making his parents feel pretty special too, knowing our little guy is so well loved). Happy birthday celebration, our darling little boy!

1 comment:

Cat said...

Happy happy birthday, Blanden! Looks like the perfect two-year-old party. Hope to see you all soon!