Saturday, May 22, 2010

Facing Forward

Today was a big day for Blanden. After nearly two years of facing backward in his car seat, he got to turn around! He had a huge smile on his face every time Ed and I turned around to look at him. He is definitely enjoying the new view!

We also installed Ellis's car seat. The Denver hospitals have a fantastic program called Baby's First Ride in which you can make an appointment at any time, no matter how old your children are, and have a professional car seat checker install your seats -- for free!
We originally intended to put one baby on each side, but the installation technician let us know that we could fit them side by side, if we wanted to. By doing so, Blanden will still be a little safer by being in the middle, even though he is now facing forward, and the infant will be safer by facing backward, of course. Now Blanden has to be very good to his little brother in the car, since they'll be right next to each other! (I'm sure he will be.)

And, in other news, Grammy is back! And staying for three and a half weeks! Whew. We are relieved and very excited to have her here again. Now Ellis is free to make his appearance at any time. (Not that I want to rush it; we're very excited to meet him, but I'm enjoying the pregnancy and our last few days/weeks alone with Blanden too...) Grammy and Daddy are currently making homemade vanilla bean ice cream in preparation for something special tomorrow...

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