Saturday, May 29, 2010

Welcome to the Jungle

Today Blanden got to enjoy the second part of his birthday celebration: new toys for the backyard.

First up: Blanden's very own picnic table (which came for free with the other item purchased; what a nice bonus!).

Blanden thought it was so much fun to eat lunch outside. (Of course, the table is also the perfect height for Belle and Ella, so we have to be careful there!)

But the piece de resistance, his gift from Mommy and Daddy, Grammy and Papa, and Aunt Jill and Uncle Andrew: a jungle gym! He was so excited to see the parts come out of the box as Daddy was putting it together and immediately recognize the slide.

Here he is checking out the telescope at the top of lookout mountain.

And getting a little help from Dad as he learns how to climb up the "rocks" on one side.

And the best part of all: sliding down, again and again and again -- or, as Blanden would say, "more, more, more!" He loves it! We plan on taking as many trips as possible to the park this summer, but with Blanden's sandbox, mini pool, picnic table, and jungle gym, he should be all set for some fantastic playtime right here in his own backyard.

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