Friday, June 18, 2010

The Wensuc Boys

What a crazy few weeks it's been. Clearly we have been on hiatus from the blog, but it's not because of what you might think, not at all because we are adjusting again to life with a newborn. That's been the easy part. Let's begin with an update on the Wensuc family: Amazingly, I had a quick and easy delivery with Ellis (at least in terms of how "easy" labor and delivery can be) -- and he arrived on his due date, no less! Healthy and happy and content as can be. We were off to a great start! But then...
Ed's asthma began bothering him the day before Ellis was born. Late the night of Ellis's arrival, while Ellis and I began getting to know each other, Ed went to the emergency room for an asthma treatment. Then the day we came home from the hospital, Blanden and I both came down with terrible colds (my voice is just now coming back) and Ed went to his doctor and was diagnosed with either acute bronchitis or pneumonia, asthma-induced.
Just when he was beginning to recover from that, on his birthday Ed came down with a terrible stomach flu and was in bed for two days ... which I, and then my mom, and the my dad all subsequently came down with this past week as well! (No offense to Andrew and Jill, as we miss you very much, but we're glad you didn't stay longer and end up sick too!) In fact, after a 3.5-week visit, Grammy went home as planned yesterday morning (and we miss you already!), but Papa was too sick to fly so he is staying until tomorrow morning.
Throughout all of this, Baby Ellis has been an absolute doll -- and almost literally. As Papa remarked, if Ellis were any more calm and complacent, he would be a baby doll! He is the newborn, yet it is the rest of us who have been requiring the most care...
Fortunately today Papa was feeling much better and we were able to get out and spend a beautiful day in the park together at last. We were so grateful to be outside and healthy, we were gone for more than four hours -- and it's only a 20-minute walk away!

Ellis enjoyed his first trip to Wash Park by sleeping in Mommy's lap, nursing, feeling the gentle breeze, and watching his big brother play, dreaming of the day he can join in. :)

There was lots of playtime for Blanden with Papa...

And lots of playtime for Papa with Blanden...

This evening we were able to enjoy our last night together by going out for dinner...

Ellis had his first dining-out experience...which he slept through, as usual. Amazing!

And Blanden enjoyed the best restaurant children's meal ever! (We've posted about this before, but this time I had to take a picture.)

And topped it off with a cupcake courtesy of Papa before Papa gave Blanden one last bath and round of nighttime stories before bed. Now that we are getting back on our feet, we'll get back to posting more regularly on the blog -- officially the blog for both Wensuc boys, both of our little EBWs. More photos -- and fun -- to come soon...

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