Sunday, June 20, 2010

A Doubly Happy Father's Day

Although Ellis is a fantastic sleeper for a newborn, he wakes up every two hours or so to nurse and so that still makes for a very sleepy Mommy each morning. Thus, although it was his day, I must say I'm grateful to Ed for letting me sleep in with Ellis while he enjoyed some special one-on-one time over breakfast with Blanden at Cafe Europa, just a couple blocks away.
We spent the afternoon at home...
And then this evening we were off on a big adventure: The whole Wensuc family, including contingents from Highlands Ranch and the Springs, met at City Park Jazz.

It was Ellis's first time in attendance. We didn't make it at all the summer Blanden was born, so considering Ellis isn't quite three weeks old, we must be getting a lot braver.

We had a great time laughing, picnicking, talking, and playing together.

Ellis spent most of the time doing this...

And this (being cuddled by his adoring family members).

He was a good sport and modeled cousin Jeremy's hat. (In fact, Ellis was pretty alert while Jeremy was holding him. It seems they are already establishing a special cousin connection.)

We tried to get a picture of all the cousins, but Blanden wasn't about to stand still for even a moment when there so much fun to be had by running around instead.

Blanden spent much of his time doing this -- taking someone by the hand to walk (or, rather, run) around and play.

Ellis snuggling with Gretchen.

Blanden loved playing with Gretchen tonight. It was definitely a highlight for him!

Blanden also spent a lot of time doing this -- rolling around on the ground, laughing, and being tickled and wrestling with his cousins, his uncle, and Daddy.

Daddy and Ellis.

More giggling and tickling and rolling around on the ground.

Daddy and his boys.

And this is City Park Jazz, or at least one side of it. It looked like this in all directions. It has come a long way since we first started going, the summer we first started dating, when it was about one-third of this size, at most. Of course, Ed and I have come a long way since then too. ;) Although I'm writing this entry on behalf of Ed, I think he had a very "happy Daddy day," as Blanden would say. Happy Father's Day, Ed! We love you.

1 comment:

Cat said...

Happy belated Father's Day to Ed! I can't believe you all made it to City Park Jazz already. That's amazing. Both boys are looking just darling.