Sunday, July 4, 2010

4th of July at the Rockies

What a big day! When I requested tickets for today's game from my office about a month before Ellis was born, I knew it would be a great holiday outing for Ed and Blanden, but I never imagined Ellis and I would go too! But we figured, why not? The weather was cool -- cloudy and in the low 70s -- and Ellis wanted to join his big brother.

Here we are heading into the stadium -- Ellis's first game! Blanden really was excited to go -- he didn't want to go down for his nap because he was afraid Daddy was leaving for the Rockies right then, but we assured him we wouldn't go until he woke up -- it's just hard to get him to smile on command. (At least he sat still for a photo!)

Blanden and Ed are sporting their hometown jerseys. (Ed's jersey is from the Kansas City Monarchs.)

Does it get any better than pizza (and ice cream!) at the baseball game on the 4th of July?

We didn't actually go down to our seats -- they are fantastic seats, but we didn't want Ellis that close to the action -- so we enjoyed the view from a restaurant inside the stadium, up above the field.

This is how Ellis spent most of the game.

And even he has his own Rockies shirt, courtesy of Aunt Nancy, Uncle Jim, Jeremy, and Gretchen. :)

Future Cy Young pitcher for the Rockies. ;)
As of the time of this posting, the game is tied 3-3 in the top of the 13th inning. This was the same score when we had left the ballpark in the top of the 9th inning. When we left the stadium we thought that we would miss a couple of outs, not a quarter of the game. Happy holiday!

1 comment:

G. Edward said...

Post Script: The game finally ended in the bottom of the 15th inning. To date, this was the longest game EVER played at Coors Field. Rockies won 4-3 against the Giants.