Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Cherry Creek Art Festival

Yesterday we capped off our long weekend with a visit to the annual Cherry Creek Arts Festival and then a family dinner out downtown. Blanden was a little young for most of the children's activities, but he did enjoy making some artwork with sidewalk chalk.

(Bb -- That's a quick note from Blanden. He likes to find the "B" on the keyboard or in his alphabet books for "Blanden." We're working on learning and recognizing "E" for "Ellis," "D" for "Daddy," and "M for Mama." :) )

Unfortunately, this spelled the end of Ed's paternity leave/summer vacation with us. Today is his first day back at work. We wish him good luck and we'll miss him and all of our family time together greatly. ... Today's goal for B, E, and I: to get to the park, on our own.

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