Saturday, July 10, 2010

Saturday in the Park. I think it was the 10th of July.*

Most of the time it's fantastic to be together as a family, but sometimes it's nice to do things separately. This afternoon, Ed and Blanden walked to the park and spent some time on the playground.

Just recently Blanden began to brave the big slide. We help him to the top and he slides down by himself. He likes being able to go where the "big kids" go (as long as there aren't too many big kids up there).

He also really enjoys the swings. We often spend a good portion of our time on the swings... which is perfectly fine, but he has so much energy at home that when we get to the park each day I'm surprised he doesn't want to run around some more and let it all out!

Midway through, a typical afternoon rainstorm rolled in. Fortunately a lovely little coffee shop, Wash Perk, is nearby for shelter.

I don't think Blanden minded the detour in exchange for ice cream.

And then they made a quick stop to check out a street festival.

Meanwhile, Ellis did a little shopping and ran some errands with me. Since I was carrying him in the sling, I could lean down and kiss his soft little head, with those big, beautiful eyes looking back up at me, as often as I liked.

*Blog title from the song "Saturday in the Park" sung by Chicago.

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