Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The 91st Percentile!

Ellis had his two-month checkup yesterday. He weighs 13 lbs., 12 oz., putting him in the 91st percentile for weight! He's still running about two pounds bigger than his big brother was at this stage (Blanden weighed 11 lbs., 13 oz., in the 55th percentile.) And he is just over 24 inches long, putting him in the 90th percentile for height. Our little "big boy," as Ed refers to him, received a great report.
The only downside was that he had to start his first round of vaccines yesterday. We did an alternative schedule with Blanden, but we're doing the regular schedule with Ellis solely because he'll be going to daycare sooner ... And he screamed for nearly two hours last night, as an aftereffect. This from our very mellow baby. Other than getting a little fussy in the car now and then (he's not a huge fan of his carseat), I don't think he's ever cried for more than 5 minutes -- seriously. Fortunately, after we talked to the nurse over the phone and gave him some infant acetaminophen he began feeling much better, and seems to be in good spirits again this morning.

1 comment:

Cat said...

13 lbs 12 oz???? He's about to lap my (bitty) nine-month-old! Wow. Sorry about the vaccines, those were always rough for us too. Glad the medicine helped!