Sunday, August 8, 2010

Winding Down...

Alas, tonight was the last of the City Park Jazz summer concerts/picnics. We made it to five of the ten this year, which, considering we didn't make it to any the summer was Blanden was born, seems pretty good. Although I still have two weeks of official maternity leave left, and Labor Day is yet to come, this is a sure sign that summer is winding down.

This winter, Blanden's buddy Gavin is going to be a big brother himself, so he is quite taken with Ellis. He is convinced that he, too, is having a little brother.

Tonight we planned on meeting our friends there, rather than randomly running into each other. We haven't seen them since the great mud puddle fiasco, and when we told Blanden in the car on the way to the park that Gavin would be there, Blanden said, "Dirt. All muddy." He remembers that night well!

This evening, however, we parked ourselves far away from any puddles. Although I took the little ones to seek shelter from the rain for just a bit, eventually the sun returned, bringing with it a beautiful rainbow and a breathtaking night sky. These photos don't do it justice; unfortunately Ed didn't bring his camera with him tonight, so mine will have to do.
But although the photos aren't great, we had a GREAT time, and the company was the best. As you can see, the boys still managed to have fun, sans mud puddle, as did the adults. We all laughed and lingered for hours, savoring the night. This is what summer is all about.

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