Tuesday, August 10, 2010

To the Zoo

It's been two months since we've been back to the zoo, not since Ellis was first born, mainly because it's just been too hot. But today seemed like a good day to go, so I packed up a picnic and the boys and we headed out.

But first: This photo is from last week, but it's cute so I'm posting it. Blanden loves to hold Ellis.

And here are a few photos of Ellis enjoying his mobile and music box as we got ready to go.

Blanden had a mobile just like this, but he has long since pulled all of the cards off of it and plays with them separately, so this is Ellis's very own, as is the music box -- he really doesn't have to have all of his big brother's hand-me-downs. So far he loves the mobile as much as Blanden did; he's beginning to coo and smile back and carry on little conversations with the pictures staring down at him.

And at last, the zoo!

No, he's not supposed to stand up in his wagon, and he knows this and is very good about it, but Mommy made a few exceptions today. I carried Ellis in his sling (the new double stroller is great for walking to the park, but the wagon seems much more appropriate for a real safari adventure at the zoo!), so sometimes it was just easier to let Blanden stand up for a moment rather than to lift him in and out.

And a discovery: There is another new baby giraffe at the zoo, just two weeks old! He's a cutie.

We packed a picnic lunch and enjoyed a little break in the shade. Blanden loves to go on picnics.

And another discovery: A sandbox at the zoo! Also new this summer.

Blanden played for a long time here. It's meant to be a mini construction site for the little workers next to an enormous construction site for the big workers for the new pachyderm home to open next year.

Meanwhile, Ellis tried out the wagon...

He had a great time smiling and flirting with Mommy,

the quiet little charmer that he is.

Afterward, we rode the train, which we haven't done in a long time. Blanden loves the carousel, but I didn't think it was a great idea to try to hold Blanden on the carousel while also holding the baby, so the train was a good substitute. Immediately afterward he fell asleep in the wagon. I wish I could have taken a picture of that, but my camera was inside my bag that Blanden was using as a pillow. Three and a half hours at the zoo wore us out, and now both boys are down for a nap...A good day!

1 comment:

Cat said...

Oh my gosh! Those little cheeks! I can't stand it! Where did you get your wagon?