Wednesday, September 29, 2010

More Firsts for Ellis

Today was Ellis's first day of daycare. I have to say that taking him in to visit his "classroom" for the first time a couple weeks ago was actually much harder than leaving him there today. I think we, collectively as a whole family, did a good job of prepping ourselves for this as much as possible. We visited a couple times, which, as I got to know the caregivers, only confirmed my feelings of calm and comfort that I had when I initially toured the room. I feel very comfortable with his caregivers, with the atmosphere in the room, with the fact that he is right across the hall from his big brother, and with Ellis's personality and temperament himself. I'm grateful that he was able to stay home until he is almost four months old now, and I am especially grateful that he is only going to "school" three days a week. And so although I missed him greatly and showered him with kisses before I left, I knew he would do just fine. And he did. Here are a few before-school photos taken this morning.

His primary caregiver, who has been with the school for many years, called at lunch to give me a midday report, and I received the full report when I picked him up. He took four naps, approximately a half hour each. He took four four-ounce bottles (hmm, Mommy is going to have to have to work to keep up with that!). The center is licensed to care for ten babies for two caregivers (though often in the afternoon there are three), but his room is intentionally set up for only eight babies, for a better ratio. And right now there are only six, three part-time, like Ellis, and three full time. There is usually a waiting list, but we happened to start in a quieter period, another plus for our transition. But above all, he was happy. He received several compliments -- from his caregivers and from another mother who was in the room when I picked him up -- on what an easygoing, happy baby he is. That's good to hear. That's my little guy.

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