Monday, September 20, 2010

First Music Class

Ellis had a big day today too: his first music class! As per his nature, he took it all in stride. When class first began his eyes were very wide. There are nine other babies in the class, ranging from three to fifteen months, so there was a lot to watch and listen to. But then he settled in and began sucking on his fingers and contentedly went with the flow as Mommy rocked, swayed, bounced, danced, and sang to him.
(And no, that's not a shadow. He has this darling little fine tuft of hair that sticks up slightly on top of his head.)

And here is Blanden on his first day of music class, September 15, 2008. Sometimes I can't help but look back at pictures of Blanden at the same age Ellis is now. Not to compare them; just remembering what Blanden was like at that age and how far he has come, and enjoying getting to know Ellis more and more each day as his gentle personality emerges.

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