Saturday, September 11, 2010

Winemaking for Toddlers

I am reasonably certain that Dr. Spock, or any accredited physician for that matter, would recommend against exposing a two-year-old toddler to the art of wine-making. Unashamed and unapologetic, Katie and I dropped Blanden into a plastic vat filled with grapes with the explicit purpose of forcibly converting this fruit into wine.

Yep, that is my Boy's feet!

In time, Blanden seemed to have developed his own personal form of "stomping".

In this photo, Blanden seems focused on wine-making responsibilities.

Notice the band on his left wrist. Does this mean that Blanden gets to drink the wine he makes?
Finally, the clean-up! Other than the sensation of having grape skins between his toes, Blanden seems to have survived and perhaps is even better for the experience.

Blanden, Ellis, Katie, Marliyn/Grammy, and myself all appeared to have a good time at this year's Italian Festival.
P.S., Think of Blanden if in the future you pick up a bottle of Sangiovese from Balistreri Vineyards.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Good posting, Daddy! ;)