Sunday, September 19, 2010

Catching Up

All is going well here in the Wensuc household. Last week was a big week: Blanden and I both went back to school. Blanden goes to school Wed.-Fri. and I have class Tues.-Thurs. night. So far we both like our instructors. The readjustment is a little hard for Blanden (and in time, I'm sure I'll find it hard for me too!), but he's doing well overall, happy to be socializing with his peers and bringing home neat art projects, including his first finger painting project and a stamping project. Meanwhile, while I study Ellis is spending lots of quality time with Grammy, who is also cooking for us and helping to get the little ones to bed as we adjust to our new nighttime routines.

Blanden enjoying the fun of playing with a simple cardboard box in the backyard.
Since I'll be home with the boys on Mondays and Tuesdays, my plan is to take one day for a little adventure and one day for some quality time playing and relaxing at home.

Last Monday we drove to a new playground, in a park that was voted the best in Denver by the city magazine.

We took some snacks and spent a couple hours enjoying the sunshine and surroundings.

Ellis was content to play on the blanket in the shade...

And Blanden had fun checking out all the new equipment, including climbing up the side of a mountain and sliding down a big slide -- all by himself! (But it was fun to go down with Mommy sometimes too.)

Here Ellis is just enjoying some playtime at home in his bouncy seat. A new favorite toy seems to be this soft bunny.

Blanden is showing off some new Elmo gear from Grammy and Papa. Despite the 80-degree weather, he wanted to wear the sweatshirt the moment he opened the package.

And here the boys are watching Elmo together this morning in their pajamas. (Note Blanden holding Ellis's hand, of his own accord.)

We were so good about not letting Blanden watch any television at all (with the occasional exception of Sunday football games) until he turned two years old. And we still don't let him watch too much. We realize, however, that it's going to be much harder to do the same with Ellis.

But not to worry too much -- Ellis spent just as much time watching his big brother as he did the television.

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