Sunday, October 17, 2010

Ellis Is in the Spotlight

We arrived in Michigan Friday evening. Ellis was a little superstar on the plane -- he cried a couple times when he was trying to fall asleep, but never for more than five minutes or so. Mostly he alternated between sleeping and calmly taking it all in. Upon arrival, he was immediately surrounded by family and friends and showered with hugs and kisses. He misses his Daddy and big brother very much, but he is also enjoying lots of one-on-one time with Mommy and being the center of attention.
Out of his carseat and into Papa's arms as soon as we got home from the airport. There's the smile on Papa's face we wanted to see.

Getting reacquainted with Aunt Jill...

And Uncle Andrew.

Exploring a new toy from Grammy and Papa.

Settling into a borrowed bouncy seat. ("This will do just fine, thank you!")

Napping with Phoenix.

Chatting with Grammy.
Meeting Great-Grandma Raymond, a special moment...

Just hanging out.

I just love his expression here, and all of his round features -- his round face, his big round eyes, his little round mouth...

Playing with Mommy's best and oldest friends and their little ones.
It's been a wonderful family-oriented weekend. Tomorrow night we head home and look forward to hearing more about Daddy and Blanden's adventures...

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