Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Good-Bye Great-Grandpa ...

Blanden and Ellis's great-grandfather, Thomas Raymond, died this morning. Blanden was fortunate enough to meet his great-grandpa several times, first at his baptism over Thanksgiving weekend 2008, then on our summer visit to Michigan in July 2009, and again during our more recent visit to Michigan together, last Thanksgiving, 2009.

Here Blanden and his Great-Grandpa Raymond are enjoying a summer picnic on the patio by the pool in July 2009.
We were lucky to visit with Great-Grandpa and Great-Grandma Raymond, as well as Great-Grandma's sister (and the boys' Great-Great Aunt), Marion.

Here Blanden is meeting Great-Grandpa and Great-Grandma Raymond for the first time, in November 2008.

We think Papa could use a little extra help smiling this week, and the best way we know how to do that is with a visit from at least one of his grandsons. So we just called Papa to surprise him and let him know that Ellis (with Mommy as his chaperone) is flying to Michigan this weekend. We know that even the thought of visiting one of them will bring a smile to Papa's face and warm his heart. So two of us will see you in a few days, Papa, and the other half of our family will see you soon too, for Thanksgiving 2010, and, as Blanden would say, we'll all be ready to give you lots of "big hugs."

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