Friday, October 1, 2010

Feels Like a Monday...

An update from the Wensuc household: A half hour after I dropped off the boys at daycare and just as I sat down to delve into schoolwork, Blanden's teacher called to say he had been running and playing and fell down and split his lip and that it looked deep enough we should probably take him to a doctor, so off we went. While Blanden and I were waiting in the examining room, Ellis's caregiver called to say he had suddenly vomited and appeared to have the stomach flu. By the time Blanden and I got back to the school an hour or so later -- fortunately with no stitches -- Ellis had gotten sick again, and the three of us headed home. We're now watching Elmo and settling in for the afternoon. Hope our weekend gets better from here!
P.S. Blanden seems unfazed by the cut and swollen lip. His teachers said he hardly cried and he was much more curious about the whole process of putting ice on it and going to the doctor than he was concerned about the actual injury. The doc agreed it was pretty deep, but not bad enough to warrant stitches, and no teeth are loose -- phew on both counts! What a morning.


Cat said...

Yikes, hope you're all having a better weekend! Is Ellis still sick?

Leah said...

Poor baby......I hate throwing up. Hope he is getting well!!